Is sex good for health? What happens if you don't make love vibrator sex at all? Is it possible to unlearn how to do this after a long break? We are looking for answers to these questions in the research of scientists.
The short answer is yes. Sex toys for women really improves health. People who regularly make love are less likely to get SARS. Scientists from Wilkes University in the USA attribute this to the concentration of immunoglobulin A in saliva, a special protein that fights viruses. According to their study, people who have sex every week have higher levels than those who have a less active sex life.According to researchers from the University of Queensland Australia, sex improves sleep in men and women. However, at the same time, women need to get enough sleep in order to experience sexual attraction. Regular sex helps women keep their pelvic floor muscles toned . During orgasm, they contract and become stronger as a result. And this is the prevention of urinary incontinence and other problems. By the way, masturbation gives the same results .Active sex can be considered a small workout. Of course, this will not replace full-fledged sports , but it will help keep certain muscle groups in good shape and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Sex improves relationships in a couple. A study by a group of Canadian scientists led by Amy Muse showed that partners were satisfied with the level of intimacy when they made love at least once a week. More frequent sex improved the relationship marginally.
There are no norms. The need for sex varies from person to person. It depends on age, sexual constitution, hormonal levels, health status and many other factors. There are asexuals and people on the gray spectrum of sexuality for whom sex is not an important part of life.A person's needs may change depending on the circumstances. During a period of acute love for sex, you may want more, and during a blockage at work - less. According to sex consultant Zoya Prishivalko, such a frequency of sexual contacts can be considered normal, which suits the person himself and does not interfere with others.
Scientists from China, Singapore and the United States conducted a survey of men and women aged 18 to 89 years. It turned out that 26% of the women surveyed had not had sex during the year. 17% of them have abstained for the last five years. For men, the figures were slightly lower - 15% did not make love within a year, almost 9% - within five years. Usually this was due to advanced age or the absence of a partner. The study showed that the lack of sex had no effect on the level of happiness of those surveyed. They were as satisfied with life as those who had sex often.Lack of sex is not healthy. You can use other methods to get the benefits it provides. For example, get vaccinated on time, meditate , play sports, monitor sleep patterns . A separate issue is the forced absence of sex in a couple. This can disturb partners and cause tension in relationships. In order not to lose intimacy, it is important to maintain physical contact: hugging, kissing, stroking each other, giving massages. If it was not possible to solve the problem on your own, you should contact a family therapist or sexologist .It is impossible to unlearn how to make love. But in order to resume sexual life after a long break, additional efforts may be required: a suitable atmosphere, partner's patience and intimate lubrication. This is especially important for women after childbirth and during menopause. Due to hormonal changes, the walls of the vagina become thinner, and the amount of natural lubrication decreases. Lubricants will help solve this problem .
Sex strengthens your pelvic floor muscles, helps you sleep, and even protects against colds. However, the same goals can be achieved in other ways.You need to have sex as much as you and your partner like. There is no generally accepted rule here. Long breaks are not harmful to health, regardless of their causes.It is impossible to unlearn how to make love, but sex after a break may require special attention and a little preparation. Stock up on patience and lubricants.